Available for styling for projects from photo to video to events
Some past projects I’ve assisted on include brands such as: Cava, Sakara, Wishbone Kitchen, Carla Lalli Music, Jean Royere, COS, and Thuma.
4+ years as a Pastry Chef, mainly at restaurants Wildair and Contra in New York City.
Consulting for various associated projects: Tusk, Brass, Ray’s Brooklyn, Jac’s on Bond.
Worked New York Times Food Fest 2022, Hawaii Food and Wine 2023, and various projects with brands such as OpenTable and Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
Food for various partnered events with brands like NYT’s Wirecutter, Jean Royere, COS, Thuma, Hauser and Wirth, Sephora etc
Multiple private clients for coursed dinner experiences.
A pop up that has done dessert experiences at wine bars in New York, including With Others and Anais.